Taking your pets with to New Zealand
For most pet owners, whether to take your cat or dog with you when you emigrate is not even an option. So, where do you start?
Your first step is to make an appointment with your Vet and get a professional opinion before making any decisions. If you get the go-ahead, your next step is to become familiar with the pet import policies in this step-by-step guide from the Ministry for Primary Industries.
In brief, this is what you have to know and do:
- Read the import health standard (IHS), guidance document, and checklists for cats and dogs and check that they are eligible for import into New Zealand.
- Cats and dogs must be cleared for entry into New Zealand (Australian cats or dogs only) or transferred to a quarantine facility (all other countries) from either Auckland or Christchurch airports.
- Ensure your dog isn’t a prohibited breed or type
- Note the restrictions around hybrids
- Use a pet exporter (recommended)
- Book an MPI-approved quarantine facility (for all cats and dogs except from Australia)
- Apply for a permit to import from MPI a minimum of 10 working days in advance of the date you require the permit (all cats and dogs except from Australia)
- Ensure all of the import requirements have been met
- Notify an official veterinarian in New Zealand if you’re importing:
- a cat or dog from Australia
- an assistance dog (from an approved country) that has met MPI’s assistance dog eligibility criteria
- Check inspection times for biosecurity clearance for cats and dogs from Australia.
- Declare any medication your animal is taking.
For an online meeting, click on this link – Free online meeting
If you are based near Centurion, you can schedule a face-to-face appointment with this link – Free meeting in Centurion